Code of

  1. General Provisions and Grants of Authority
  2. Spirit of Joseon
  3. Chapter I: Nationalization
  4. Chapter II: Rights of Denizens
  5. Chapter III: Duties of Denizens
  6. Chapter IV: Government Structure and Laws
  7. Chapter V: Imperial Family of Joseon
  8. Chapter VI: International Law
  9. Chapter VII: Adoption and Amendment

Code Of National Governance

By the grace of God, and the goodwill of the people of Joseon (“Chosen”), also known as the Joseon Empire and the Korean Empire, King Andrew Lee, the recognized Sovereign and King of the Joseon Empire (“Joseon Sovereign”), for the glory of Joseon and the people governed therein, out of their own free will do recognize the Code of National Governance of the Joseon Empire (“Code”).

The grants of authority and liberties as herein defined shall be recognized as the Code, and shall be written to uphold in our realm, the realm of the free world, in perpetuityThe grants of authority and liberties as herein defined shall be recognized as the Code, and shall be written to uphold in our realm, the realm of the free world, in perpetuity.

General Provisions and Grants of Authority

  1. Joseon is a free and unified state.
  2. Joseon makes no claims to any other nation’s territory, including, but not limited to, the Korean peninsula.
  3. The Joseon Sovereign is the King and Crowned Successor to HIH Yi Seok, who was the previous monarch of Joseon.
  4. Absolute authority governed by the Code is bestowed and held by Joseon.
  5. Joseon maintains ownership and dominion over all of its assets.

Spirit of Joseon

  1. Freedom – wherein all denizens are free to pursue all avenues of political, economic, and cultural life, both physically and digitally;
  2. Equality – wherein all denizens are free from all forms of discrimination;
  3. Unity – wherein all denizens strive to uphold the equality, freedom, and personal dignity of each other;
  4. Peace – wherein all denizens encourage the ethical, fair, and peaceful treatment of all humanity;
  5. Privacy – wherein all denizens shall have the fundamental...
  6. Tradition – wherein the traditions, symbols, and importance...

Chapter I: Nationalization

  1. Denizenship shall be made available to
    1. Agree to be bound by the laws and regulations of Joseon and ...
    2. All persons who pledge fidelity to the Joseon Sovereign, and
    3. Are either
      1. Descendents of a denizen of Joseon, or
      2. Sponsored by a denizen of Joseon.
  2. Denizens of Joseon can maintain denizenship in other soverei...
  3. Denizens of Joseon shall be known as “The Joseon People.”
  4. Joseon denizenship can be terminated by waiver or revocation in compliance with the laws and regulations of Joseon.
  5. Joseon denizenship can be suspended for just cause.
  6. Joseon respects, complies with, and protects the rights of its denizens.

Chapter II: Rights of Denizens

  1. The denizens of Joseon shall be entitled to the following rights and freedoms:
  2. The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion;
  3. The right to freedom of speech, opinion, and expression;
  4. The right to freedom of association;
  5. The right of freedom of internet use without limitation or censure based on content or viewpoint;
  6. The fundamental human right to privacy in their online and offline activities;
  7. The right to be secure in their persons, homes, papers, and effects both physically and digitally against warrantless searches and seizures
  8. The right to be free from all forms of discrimination;
  9. The right to equality and justice under the law;
  10. The right to a fair trial and presumption of innocence;
  11. The right to participate in governmental and public affairs;
  12. The right to work in just and favorable working conditions;
  13. The right to peaceful assembly;
  14. The right to freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy;
  15. The right to freedom from interference with one’s physical person;
  16. All denizens shall enjoy a free society wherein there shall be no criminal penalties for what a denizen does with his, her, or their own body so long as it takes place where there is an expectation of privacy, and no harm is done to others.
  17. The right to freedom from deprivation of liberty or property without due process of the law; and
  18. The right to receive just compensation for appropriations of private property.
  19. The right to the use and creation of cryptographic primitives, algorithms and systems.
  20. The rights and freedoms of the denizens of Joseon are inalienable.

Chapter III: Duties of Denizens

  1. All denizens of Joseon shall not infringe on the human rights of other denizens or visiting persons.
  2. All denizens of Joseon must comply with the Code and with the laws promulgated by Joseon’s government and the directives of the Joseon sovereign.

Chapter IV: Government Structure and Laws

  1. The government of Joseon shall strive to act in accordance with the rights of denizens so as not to infringe on said rights through laws, regulations, or governmental actions.
  2. The Joseon government shall be composed of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial offices. The Joseon Government shall consist of a Monarchy, Council of Elders and Magistrate.
  3. The Monarchy
    1. The Monarchy of Joseon shall oversee the administration, execution, and enforcement of laws.
    2. The Joseon Sovereign shall be the Head of the Monarchy and the Head of State.
      1. The Joseon Sovereign shall appoint all Ministers.
      2. The Joseon Sovereign shall have the right to attend and to be heard at all meetings of the government of Joseon and its organs.
      3. The Joseon Sovereign shall have the power to veto or promulgate laws proposed by the Council of Elders.
      4. The Joseon Sovereign has the sole power to establish official currencies of Joseon, whether physical or digital.
  4. The Council of Elders
    1. The Council of Elders shall propose laws of Joseon in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
    2. The Council of Elders are appointed by the Joseon Sovereign.
  5. Magistrate
    1. The Magistrate shall be composed of a Supreme Court of Joseon, and any lesser courts it establishes.
    2. The Joseon Sovereign shall be the Head of the Supreme Court of Joseon, or Chief Magistratus.
      1. The sitting Minister of Justice shall be the Prime Magistrate.
      2. The Prime Magistrate has the ability to remove and appoint courts.
    3. The Magistrate shall have jurisdiction over all cases concerning the laws of Joseon.

Chapter V: Imperial Family of Joseon

  1. The Joseon Sovereign may designate heirs and successors during his lifetime and/or by testamentary declaration
    1. In the event a Joseon Sovereign predeceases such a designation, a new Joseon Sovereign will be selected from among the Sovereign’s eligible children (“heirs”) with precedence given to the eldest eligible heir.
      1. Should no heir exist, direct blood relatives of the Joseon Sovereign who are also members of the Imperial Family, will be next in line, with precedence given to the eldest eligible therein that is capable and willing to serve.
      2. Should the heir be under the age of 21, the surviving guardian of the child shall head the Monarchy until the heir is of age.
  2. The Imperial Family includes any immediate family of the Joseon sovereign as well as Dukes and heirs of Dukes of Joseon.
    1. Additionally, the Joseon Sovereign can, upon his or her sole discretion, adopt individuals into the Imperial Family and disinherit members from the Imperial Family
      1. Disinherited family members shall be ineligible for succession to the position of Joseon Sovereign, or appointment as Dukes of the Imperial Family.
  3. Chapter V of the Code can only be amended when the Joseon Sovereign is the Head of the Monarchy and is of age.

Chapter VI: International Law

  1. International treaties signed by Joseon shall have the full force and effect of domestic law.
  2. Joseon respects, complies with, and recognizes the norms of international law, international treaties, and laws that govern sovereign states.

Chapter VII: Adoption and Amendment

  1. By proclamation of the Joseon sovereign, Joseon adopts and establishes this Code in its entirety.
  2. Amendments to this Code can be made solely by the Joseon Sovereign
    1. Any amendments to this Code shall be effective only after their publication and dissemination to the denizens of Joseon.

Done and proclaimed by the Joseon Sovereign, King Andrew Lee, on this the 7th day of March in the Year Two Thousand Twenty Two in the Common Era.

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